Catalogueof wagons
Stationsand disponents
Dataand queries
ČD Cargo, a.s. accepts notifications from natural persons containing information about a possible unlawful act of which the notifier has become aware in connection with work or other similar activity for ČD Cargo, a.s. and which has the characteristics of a criminal offence or misdemeanour or violates a legal regulation or a regulation of the European Union, pursuant to Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the protection of whistleblowers, as amended (the "Notification" and the "Act").
The notification can be submitted through the internal notification system of ČD Cargo, a.s. or through the Ministry of Justice. The notification may be made in person, in writing – in paper form or electronically (by e-mail) – or by telephone.
a) electronically at the e-mail
b) in paper form to:
ČD Cargo, a. s. Internal Audit Unit (O17/1) Jankovcova 1569/2c 17000 Prague 7 – Holešovice with the envelope marked “Whistleblowing - DO NOT OPEN”
a) by telephone at +420 607 039 712
(Monday - Friday 9.00 - 15.00 p.m.)
b) at the request of the whistleblower and in person by prior agreement with the relevant person in the building:
ČD Cargo, a. s. Internal Audit Unit (O17/1) Jankovcova 1569/2c 17000 Prague 7 – Holešovice
The competent person who receives and assesses the reasonableness and truthfulness of the Notification is Tomáš Paulus, and a substitute in his absence is Aneta Miklášová.
ČD Cargo a.s. excludes the acceptance of Notifications from a person who does not perform work or other similar activity for ČD Cargo, a.s. pursuant to § 2 (3) (a), (b), (h) or (i) of the Act, i.e. who does not perform for ČD Cargo, a.s. dependent work carried out in a basic employment relationship, volunteer work, or a traineeship or internship. ČD Cargo a.s. excludes the acceptance of anonymous notifications. Anonymous whistleblowers are not entitled to protection under the Act.
The notifier must be aware of his responsibility for a knowingly false notification, including criminal liability, especially for offenses of defamation in accordance with the provisions of Section 184 of the Criminal Code and/or of a criminal charge under Section 345 of the Criminal Code, when making the notification. Notifications must not be misused with the intent to harm others.
+420 972 242 255
Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:00
Customer service centre
+420 226 066 066
00:00 - 24:00 hr.