Каталоггрузовых средств
Станциии получатели
Данныеи запросы
The predominant feature is the transport of shipping containers between inter-state terminals of two most recognized Czech operators, Metrans and ČSKD Intrans and North German ports, and also between individual terminals in the Czech Republic and the neighbouring countries.
As a progressive segment, the transport of road trailers is growing in the Czech Republic. The program includes mostly Brno – Rostock, and Vienna – Rostock, and Charleroi – Lovosice, completed with transport between Ostrava, Lovosice, and Germany.
It also includes the above specified technology Innofreight used for transporting wood chips and hazardous waste.
+420 972 242 255 info@cdcargo.cz
Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:00
Customer service centre
+420 226 066 066 ZakaznickeCentrum@cdcargo.cz
00:00 - 24:00 hr.