Каталоггрузовых средств
Станциии получатели
Данныеи запросы
ČD Cargo offers simplified dispatch of consignments in the national and international transport by introducing the electronic forwarding of consignments.
The customer does not submit a paper consignment note at the forwarding of the consignment, they only enter the data on the consignment (framed parts of the freight bill) into the information system of ČD Cargo. The consignment is transported to the destination station with an electronic freight bill. The document of the transport contract is sent to the customer by e-mail.
The customer does not submit a paper consignment note at the forwarding of the consignment; they only enter the data on the consignment into the information system of ČD Cargo. The consignment is transported with CN CIM / CN CIM/SMGS / WN CUV, printed from the information system of the carrier, to the destination station. The document of the transport contract is sent to the customer by e-mail. The customer can continue to send consignment with a paper consignment note.
For more information on this service see Appendix 5 CONTRACTUAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS of ČD Cargo, a.s.
The usage of the electronic forwarding of consignments is a free service. From 1st July 2013 this services is conducted on the bases of a filled-in registration form sent to the carrier.
If you would like to use the electronic dispatch, send the scanned copy of the filled-in and signed registration form to the e-mail addresses listed below in the contact information.
ČD Cargo offers a simplified clearance method for consignments at the destination station by introducing the electronic confirmation method for the pickup of the consignments. After the delivery of the consignment to the destination station, the consignee receives a message which contains a link to the confirmation for the pickup of the consignment in the information system of ČD Cargo. The consignee confirms the pickup of the consignment via this link or an exchange XML data file. After the confirmation of the consignment pickup, the 1st part of the freight bill is sent to the consignee by e-mail in *.pdf format, the report of wagon consignment and the any attachments that were submitted with the freight bill by the consignor.
Electronic delivery of consignments is a free service. From 1st July 2013 this services is conducted on the bases of a sent filled-in registration form sent.
If you would like to use the electronic delivery, send the scanned copy of the filled-in and signed registration form to the e-mail addresses listed below in the concact information.
Framed part of the freight bill.
Send the original registration form by post to the address: