What we follow

General Conditions of ČD Cargo, a.s.

General Conditions of ČD Cargo, a.s. General Conditions

Carriage conditions

Carriage conditions The attachments are only available in Czech. The contractual carriage conditions of ČD Cargo, a.s. The efficiency from 21-Mar-2014 Change 17 efficiency...


Tariffs The tariff is a price schedule used by the forwarder to specify price for provided services, in particular for completing the carriage of deliveries.  It contains the conditions...


International distance tables DIUM country valid from Albania 01-July-2006 Belgium 01-July-2024 Bosnia and...


COTIF 99 Convention COTIF From 01.07. 2006, revised Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) is valid as amended in the amendment protocol signed at the General Meeting...


CIM/SMGS For many years, ČD Cargo has been focusing on the cooperation with Eastern European states, and for this purpose it supports and promotes the unified consignment note CIM/SMGS. ...

Transport tariff bulleting PTV

Transport tariff bulleting PTV The transport and tariff bulletin (PTV) is a document used by the transport providers to announce the issue, change, and termination of the transport conditions...

Claim procedure instructions

Claim procedure instructions Claim procedure for damages occurred during the transport of wagon or contains deliveries and replaceable extensions, resulting in the damage, loss or partial loss,...

Loading directives

Loading directives All required measures for loading and security of the goods in railway freight wagons are specified in UIC Loading Directives.  The directives should guarantee in...

Clearance of block trains/wagon groups using a single transport document

Clearance of block trains/wagon groups using a single transport document national transport bill of lading, CIM, CIM/SMGS bill of lading or CUV wagon note The transport of block trains or...

ZAN & PD27.34

ZAN 865-54-2023 and PD27.34 effective from 01–Jan–2025 For the transports of consignments loaded in wagons of ČD Cargo, a.s., a Traffic Restriction (ZAN) 865-54-2023 has been announced to and...


PD84.01 ZAN and PD84.01 effective from 01.01.2025 For consignments to Italy loaded in wagons of ČD Cargo, a.s., and transported by Mercitalia Rail, ZAN 266 - 83 - 2017 has been announced. ...


PD84.83 ZAN and PD84.83 effective from 01.01.2025 For consignments to Italy loaded in wagons of ČD Cargo, a.s., and transported by Compagnia Ferroviaria Italiana, ZAN 281 - 83 – 2022 has...

„Ad hoc“ trains

"Ad hoc" trains Conditions for transport of consignment in wagons in "ad hoc" scheme "Ad hoc" system trains are considered any integrated trains beyond the train transport operating...

General Conditions of ČD Cargo, for transport in Austria

General Conditions of ČD Cargo, for transport in Austria These general conditions apply if the carrier on ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG network is our company, ČD Cargo.

Overview of closures on the railway network of Správa železnic

Overview of closures on the railway network of Správa železnic Information on current restrictions can also be found in the interactive map of Správa železnic . Table of closures on the...


+420 972 242 255

Monday - Friday
8:00 - 16:00

service centre

+420 226 066 066

00:00 - 24:00 hr.



ČD Cargo Logistics