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We offer transport of a wide range of goods from raw materials to products with high added value, container transport or exceptional consignments.
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We transport everything even in small quantities. Would you like to transport goods by rail, but you think that the consignments of your company are too small for the rail transport? Check it out! The minimum size of a consignment is just one wagon.
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Harmonized goods nomenclature (NHM)
Uniform railway exchange JŽK
Catalogue of freight wagons
The order of a railway freight wagon
Transport connection and distances
Station and dispatchers
Restrictions and suspension of transport (ZAN)
Data and queries
Electronic dispatch of consignments
Этот сайт
Harmonized Commodity Code (NHM)
Harmonized Commodity Code (NHM) The Harmonized Commodity Code (NHM) is used to code and designated the goods in the railway transportation. It was created from the Harmonized system of...
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Uniform railway exchange
Uniform railway exchange
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Catalog of freight wagons
Catalog of freight wagons of ČD Cargo, a.s. You can choose the most suitable wagon for freight transportation of the particular goods from this catalog. Look at the photographs and check if the...
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Order of a railway freight wagon
Order of a railway freight wagon The first step in the transportation of a wagon consignment is the order of a railway freight wagon where the so-called "loading request" is used. The loading...
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Transport connection and distances
Transport connection and distances The search results can only be guaranteed between the railway stations with a dispatch authorization for freight transportation. The time data on the...
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Stations and managing clerks
Stations and managing clerks
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Transport restriction and suspension (ZAN)
Transport restriction and suspension (ZAN) The transport restriction and suspension or loading of wagon loads (ZAN) are announced upon the following facts: measures issued by the rail...
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Data and queries
Data and queries It is possible to use two useful applications to track the location of the load – Central Wagon System (CEVIS) a and Central Freight Cash Register (CNP). The main task of the...
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Electronic dispatch of consignments
Electronic dispatch of consignments Electronic sale ČD Cargo offers simplified dispatch of consignments in the national and international transport by introducing the electronic forwarding...
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ČDCgo As one of the first railway freight carriers, we have prepared for you a revolutionary possibility to track orders. By using the ČDCgo mobile application . Do you want an overview of the...
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Tracking Application Tracking allows you to find out in a simple way where your Order is (consignment or empty wagon), including the expected arrival at the destination station. The display...
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