

Infoline If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact phone numbers or e - mail address. Monday - Friday 8.00 - 16.00 p.m. Tel.: +420 972 242 255 Fax: ...

Invoicing data

Invoicing data ČD Cargo, a. s. Jankovcova 1569/2c 170 00 Praha 7 - Holešovice IČO: 281 96 678   DIČ: CZ281 96 678 Postal address ČD Cargo, a. s. Accounting...

Customer Service Centre ČD Cargo

Customer service Centre ČD Cargo On January 1, 2016, CD Cargo Customer Centre initiated its activity. There were several reasons for setting up such a specialized workplace; the main was the...

Press Contact

Press Contact The press department of the České dráhy, a.s. České dráhy, a.s.    +420 9722 32 498 Nábřeží...

Sales returns

Sales returns Claim procedure instructions .


Loading Permitting the transport of exceptional consignments ČD Cargo, a.s. Generální ředitelství Odbor plánování kapacit Oddělení přípravy tras a vlakotvorby Jankovcova...

Zahraniční zastoupení Polsko

CD Cargo Poland Spółka z o.o. Warszawa Předseda představenstva Mgr. Tomasz Momot CD Cargo Poland Spółka z o.o.     ...

Notification of the infringement

Notification of the infringement ČD Cargo, a.s. accepts notifications from natural persons containing information about a possible unlawful act of which the notifier has become aware in...


+420 972 242 255

Monday - Friday
8:00 - 16:00

service centre

+420 226 066 066

00:00 - 24:00 hr.



ČD Cargo Logistics