Ostatní služby

Logistic services

Logistic services Together with its main scope of activities, ČD Cargo, a.s. offers the complementary services for more comprehensive handling of goods or directly related to the transport of...

Lovosice warehouse hall

Lovosice warehouse hall ČD Cargo, a.s., offers its customers modern storage facilities with an excellent connection to the motorway D8 (Prague 60 km) as well as to the international railway...

Jeřáby ČD Cargo

Jeřáby ČD Cargo Střediska logistických služeb v  Trutnově a Českých Budějovicích nabízí všem zájemcům, nejen přepravcům po železnici, celou řadu doplňkových služeb, a to nejen...

Rail sidings operations

Rail sidings operations The operation on the rail sidings is subject to Act no. 266/1994 Coll. on railways and related decrees. The joint stock company ČD Cargo has issued Unified...

Custom services

Custom services ČD Cargo, a. s., by means of its customs representatives located in individual operating plants in the Czech Republic, provides its customers with comprehensive customs control...

Exceptional deliveries

Exceptional deliveries Exceptional deliveries on the railways are the deliveries which are especially complicated for any forwarder participating in the transport or some railway...

Transport of Dangerous Goods

Transport of Dangerous Goods Safe transport of dangerous goods is one of the priorities of railway transport provided by the joint stock company ČD Cargo. Transport of these goods is...

Lease of wagons

Lease of railway freight and cistern wagons The offer of lease and services Lease of all series of railway freight and cistern wagons of ČD Cargo The provision of wagon hire from other...

Maintenance and repairs of railway vehicles

Maintenance and repairs of railway vehicles Maintenance and repairs of the railway vehicles in ČD Cargo are provided by the department of maintenance and repairs of the railway vehicles The...

KVs5-B-2010 for the repair of freight wagons

The list of companies with the purchased directive KVs5-B-2010 for the repair of freight wagons


+420 972 242 255

Monday - Friday
8:00 - 16:00

service centre

+420 226 066 066

00:00 - 24:00 hr.



ČD Cargo Logistics