Каталоггрузовых средств
Станциии получатели
Данныеи запросы
The second group includes other chemical raw products and semi-finished products used within the full range of chemical (and also food industry) production; it further includes compressed gases, asphalt, tar, powder and food industry salts, and many more chemicals and substances.
The most significant customers include the Czech and foreign refineries, the producers of chemical products, and business companies, and naturally all recognized forwarders.
The transport of chemical products and liquid fuels is provided by special boiler wagons, in most cases belonging to the production plants and private providers. Our own covered wagons from series Kils and Habis are used within a lower ranger for the transport of packed and palette packed chemical products.
Zvláštní část této komodity tvoří přepravy kontaminovaných odpadů, které se začaly objevovat v posledních letech. Tyto přepravy jsou nejčastěji prováděny opět pomocí technologie Innofreight.
+420 972 242 255 info@cdcargo.cz
Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:00
Customer service centre
+420 226 066 066 ZakaznickeCentrum@cdcargo.cz
00:00 - 24:00 hr.