Tariff ČD Cargo, a.s.

Year 2024

Effective from 01-Jun-2024 – amendment No. 2

  • the addition of the Ancillary Charge PD 27.82 and 27.83 for servicing the siding „Vlečka přístav Kolín“ in railwaystation Kolín.

Effective from 15-Apr-2024 – amendment No. 1

  • the addition of the Ancillary Charge PD 27.84 and 27.85 for servicing the Terminal Ostrava Mošnov siding,
  • addition of text for PD 27.90 and 27.91 for the PRECHEZA Přerov siding.

Effective from 01-Jan-2024

Major changes compared to 2023

  • values in the tables of carriage charges are increased by 4 %;
  • values of charges representing 15 minutes of a supplier’s employee are increased from 200 CZK to 210 CZK;
  • charges for shunting (incl. sidings) are increased from 950 CZK to 980 CZK,
  • siding charge is adjusted from 260 CZK to 265 CZK (for the first km) and from 390 CZK to 400 CZK (for every other km);
  • the adjustments mentioned in the previous bullet points are adequately reflected in the selected fees;
  • some customs fees abolished;
  • updated text for calculating the fee for diversions;
  • provisions on the transport of dangerous goods according to RID moved to the contractual area.


+420 972 242 255

Monday - Friday
8:00 - 16:00

service centre

+420 226 066 066

00:00 - 24:00 hr.



ČD Cargo Logistics