Каталоггрузовых средств
Станциии получатели
Данныеи запросы
It includes in particular the deliveries exceeding the loading gauge (PLM), the deliveries exceeding the specified railway class, the loads with security incompliant with the Loading Directives UIC, railway wagons on its own wheels which can be transported solely upon special operating conditions, etc. The working group PREMIZA has been designed to organized the exceptional deliveries, and it seeks the optimum options for the transport of the specified delivery on the railway, negotiates the transport of goods with the related transport providers, and closely cooperates with the group for exceptional deliveries of the sales department, Based on the materials received from the customer.
The transport of exceptional deliveries can be provided by e.g. wagons of type Kns, Res, Smmps, Uaaik.
+420 972 242 255 info@cdcargo.cz
Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:00
Customer service centre
+420 226 066 066 ZakaznickeCentrum@cdcargo.cz
00:00 - 24:00 hr.