Containers are heading to China

Today has been launched the first comprehensive train to China from Czech Republic. In the future train should connect Prague with the city of I-wu in the East China province of Ce-ťiang. The train bearing the name YXE CR Express left the METRANS terminal in Uhříněves, Prague, in the afternoon. Destination should be reached in 16 days.

Transport on railway lines in the Czech Republic was provided by ČD Cargo, which also provided suitable wagons for transport. A total of 41 forty foot containers with a wide range of goods, including beer, Czech crystal and other traditional products from the Czech Republic and other countries, were on the train.

For Eastern transport ČD Cargo also offers an interesting product, MALA Train, which connects the Czech Republic with terminals on the Belarusian-Polish border.


+420 972 242 255

Monday - Friday
8:00 - 16:00

service centre

+420 226 066 066

00:00 - 24:00 hr.



ČD Cargo Logistics

ČD Cargo

It offers the transport of a wide array of goods ranging from raw materials to products with a high added value, transport of containers, special consignment, rental of railway wagons, railway siding services, and other transport services.