
Successful wood transport from Belarus

After thorough preparation were in March trials of new wood transportations from Belarus to the Czech Republic started. Now, after trials evelauation, we would like to offer this service to our customers.

Wood reloading is realized in Małaszewicze broad/normal gauge terminal, from where is dispatched in group of wagons, but we are able to operate block trains too. Now there are transported consigments from Russia and Belarus to the Czech Republic and also to Austria and Slovakia. And of course we provide all of comprehensive services as reloading, customs services etc.

Big advantage of this transport is using of Innofreight wood pallets, which eliminate disadvantages of old lorries (complicated unloading, lower loading weight etc.). Because of increasing demand of quality wood from Belarus and Russia we expect significant increase of transported volumes in coming months.

Contact and further info in the section Transport of commodities / Wood and paper products.


+420 972 242 255

Monday - Friday
8:00 - 16:00

service centre

+420 226 066 066

00:00 - 24:00 hr.



ČD Cargo Logistics

ČD Cargo

It offers the transport of a wide array of goods ranging from raw materials to products with a high added value, transport of containers, special consignment, rental of railway wagons, railway siding services, and other transport services.